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Broken Windows


NPR: Hidden Brain

May 29, 2017


Criminal Justice

The story of broken windows is a story of our fascination with easy fixes and seductive theories. Once an idea like that takes hold, it's nearly impossible to get the genie back in the bottle.

Isaiah's Description:

Policing has been at the center of the modern civil rights movement, Black Lives Matter. Social media has been used as a tool to raise awareness of the injustices that police commit, especially towards the Black community. The history of policing is deep and complex, comprised of individual psychology, policy, law, and social dynamics.

This podcast is a great starting point for understanding the current state of policing in the United States. It dives into the Broken Windows policy that has shaped modern policing ideologies. It shows us how research and policy can be applied (or misapplied) to disenfranchise and target minority communities.

Developing a deeper understanding of policing ideologies and policy allows us to better target our messages and spur change. Like any advocacy, broad brushstrokes of anti-policing narratives are not as effective as specific and targeted ones.

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