The Great Awokening
April 1, 2019
Politics, Race Issues
Trump has made white racial resentment more visible than it was before, but at the same time, white liberals have become much more attuned to racism — seeing more of it not necessarily because the world has changed but because their own attitudes toward longstanding features of it have changed.
The exact implications of this for short-term electoral politics are dicey — older, more rural, less educated whites who are relatively untouched by the Awokening exert disproportionate influence in the political system. But the fundamental reality is that the Awokening has inspired a large minority of white Americans to begin regarding systemic racial discrimination as a fundamental problem in American life — opening up the prospects of sweeping policy change when the newly invigorated anti-racist coalition does come to power.
Isaiah's Description:
This article depicts two realities. One, that though it may not seem as so, there has been great progress on the issue of race over the past half-decade. Two, that progress may not lead to the results we expect, quite yet.
Politics is a complex game, oftentimes moving in directions that seem illogical when stacked against the evidence. This article gives great insight to the current and complex situation surrounding politics and race in America.